Another happy couple dining at the table of The Artist Chef. This is Mr. Dennis Jao, he's down-to-earth and fun to talk with. Even after a year of being together with his girlfriend he still likes surprising her once in a while.
While waiting for the sumptuous set meals I prepared for them, Dennis was also waiting for the chance to bring out his special surprise for his very special girl on their first anniversary.

The chunky cuts of my Moroccan Herb Chicken.

Preparing the plate with Lettuce and Tomatoes ala Salsa Style for the side dish and the yummy buttered rice to complete the main course.

My Green Tea Frothe is often mistaken as an herby type of drink---it's not. Most of the couples who chose this on their set meal menu didn't regret having it as their drink.

While waiting for them to finish the main dish...
I had time to strike a pose before preparing dessert.

More photos are possible when Reggie is present.

Wanna know what's Dennis surprise for his girlfriend?
A huge tarpauline banner with their faces
and the words "Happy Anniversary!"

Good thing this couple loves pictures.