This is the Kangaroo like cake I bought in a French bakeshop here in Saigon called Tous Les Jours.

The big and small bread bun for the English Onion soup I learned from my idol, Jamie Oliver. Of course the Fusilli Pesto, the sausages and pork are part of the dinner meal. I marinated the pork in Coopers stout beer and vanilla ice cream. I can say the tenderness of the porky is sooo awesome. Can't wait to do this recipe again.

Since it's an impromptu celebration, I didn't cook much. Though what I cooked is still too much for me to eat it by myself. So I invited one friend. It increased unexpectedly into four. The night was indeed a good dinner and a simple way to celebrate Ozzie Day. Yay!
'Til next time me dear mates!!!
joanie xxx