Last March an Account Supervisor from TBWA asked me if I wanted to create recipes for Carnation Milk. By the way, Carnation is no longer with Nestle, Alaska Milk bought it already. She offered me the project supposedly given to a famous chef/food stylist in the advertising world. I definitely offered half the price of my competitor. Still not a bad offer. To think food stylists nowadays charge very expensive rates because their services are in demand. Luckily the Account Supervisor was able to let the client to approve the Cost Estimate I gave them. So I started the project and cooked the ten dishes they gave me. My task: To come up with recipes using Carnation Milk. They briefed me that every dish should be very Pinoy, ingredients are not hard to find and very easy to prepare. Despite the parameters, I tweaked the Pinoy style cooking by adding ingredients that will surprise the person eating it. A kick in short. Cinnamon, curry, paprika, lemon and so on are the condiments and flavors I added to the recipe. I brought the food to the agency and the Account Supervisor sent it to the client's office. True enough they were surprised but then again they are afraid that the consumers might not be ready with those kind of tweak and they do not want to veer away from the typical Pinoy recipes. Well for the payment's worth, I revised the recipes. The real reason for tweaking the recipes is for presentation purposes–so that the client would know my range and my potential. Good cooking experience, indeed.
Here they are!!!!
Mango Cream Refrigerated Cake.
No bake Sweet Potato Pudding with Cinnamon & Cheese.
Cherry-Buko Salad.
can you share with us the recipes?
they all look so delicious. do you endorse carnation?
I'm just gathering my thoughts for the write-up. hehe. I'll let u taste if you like. :-)
i believe in the product and i use it in most of my dishes...
if i would be one of their endorsers, why not? :p
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